Pursuant to K.S.A. 25-4411 notice is hereby given that public testing for the Unisyn voting machines will be on July 31, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Clerk's Office in the the Courthouse at 201 S New York, Coldwater, KS. The equipment to be tested is intended to be used for voting and counting of votes cast in the Primary Election on August 6, 2024 in Comanche County. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my seal the 9th day of July 2024. Casey L Huck Comanche County Election Officer Notice
Write-In Candidates To have your name printed on the General Election Ballot a write-in candidate must file an affidavit of write-in candidacy by noon Monday July 15th as well as receive 5% of the total of the current voter registration in state, district, or county. This requirement only applies to national, state and county NOT township or precinct candidates. NOTICE
County Clerk's Notice of Candidates to be voted for the Primary Election August 6, 2024. I, the County Clerk of Comanche County, have received a certified list of candidates for the various nominations to be made by each political party of this State, and in accordance with the provisions of law are hereby published as much thereof as is applicable to this County and have added the names and addresses of the candidates for nomination by the the several political parties as their names appear on file in my office.
Pursuant to the foregoing, I hereby give notice a Primary Election will be held on Tuesday the 6th day of August 2024. At this time candidates may be nominated by the various political tickets and the Primary Election will be held at the following places in townships in Comanche County. In Avilla, Antioch Church, Coldwater, Veterans Building, Powell, Wilmore Community Center, and Protection, Protection Township Library. The polling places will open at 7:00 A.M. and close at 7:00 P.M. Advance voting starts July 17th in the County Clerk's office in the Comanche County Courthouse and will continue until noon on August 5th. Advance voting hours are Monday Thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Witness my hand and the seal of my office this 20th day of June, 2024. Casey Huck Comanche County Election Officer |
2024 Primary Election Notice
A Primary Election will be held August 6, 2024. Candidates for the following offices will be nominated by each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election:
One candidate for United State House of Representatives, 4th District
One candidate for State Senate, 33rd District
One candidate for State Representative, 116th District
One candidate for District Court Judge, 16th District, 2nd & 3rd Divisions
One candidate for District Magistrate Judge, 16th District, 2nd Position
One candidate for County Commissioner 2nd District
One candidate for County Commissioner 3rd District
One candidate for County Clerk
One candidate for County Treasurer
One candidate for County Register of Deeds
One candidate for County Sheriff
One candidate for County Attorney
One candidate for Township Trustee, for each township
One candidate for Township Treasurer, for each township
The following officers will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election :
One Precinct Committeeman in each Precinct
One Precinct Committeewoman in each Precinct
Pursuant to K.S.A. 25-204
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed my official seal.
Comanche County Clerk/ Election Officer
Casey Huck
One candidate for United State House of Representatives, 4th District
One candidate for State Senate, 33rd District
One candidate for State Representative, 116th District
One candidate for District Court Judge, 16th District, 2nd & 3rd Divisions
One candidate for District Magistrate Judge, 16th District, 2nd Position
One candidate for County Commissioner 2nd District
One candidate for County Commissioner 3rd District
One candidate for County Clerk
One candidate for County Treasurer
One candidate for County Register of Deeds
One candidate for County Sheriff
One candidate for County Attorney
One candidate for Township Trustee, for each township
One candidate for Township Treasurer, for each township
The following officers will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election :
One Precinct Committeeman in each Precinct
One Precinct Committeewoman in each Precinct
Pursuant to K.S.A. 25-204
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed my official seal.
Comanche County Clerk/ Election Officer
Casey Huck
Any candidate wishing to run as a write-in candidate for all national, state, county or 1st class city offices must file an affidavit of write-in candidacy. The affidavit must be filed no later than the 4th Monday prior to the General Election. Write-in candidates are not permitted for primary elections [except precinct committee].
Comanche County Elected Officials and Districts
Federal Offices
President of the United States Joe Biden - D The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Phone: 202-456-1111 Website: |
US Senators - Kansas Jerry Moran - R US Senate 521 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-6521 Website: Roger Marshall - R US Senate B33 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-4774 Website: |
4th US Congressional District Ron Estes - R US House of Representatives 1524 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-6215 Website: |
State Offices
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly - D Office of the Governor State Capital 300 SW 10th Ave., Suite 241S Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 877-579-6757 Website: Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab - R Memorial Hall, First Floor 120 SW 10th Ave. Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-296-4564 Website: Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt - R Memorial Hall, Second Floor 120 SW 10th Ave. Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-296-2215 Website: Kansas State Treasurer Lynn Rogers - D 900 SW Jackson, Suite 201 Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-296-3171 Website: Kansas Commissioner of Insurance Vicki Schmidt - R 420 SW Ninth St. Topeka, KS 66612 Phone 785-296-3071 Website: County Offices
Comanche County Courthouse 201 S. New York, PO Box 776 Coldwater, KS 67029 1st Commissioner District Zackery Ellis - R Elected: 2022 Sheriff Michael Lehl - R Phone 620-582-2511 Elected: 2020 County Clerk Casey Huck - R Phone: 620-582-2361 Email: [email protected] Elected: 2020 City Offices
Coldwater 239 E Main Street Coldwater, KS 67029 Phone: 620-582-2940 Website: Email: [email protected] City Clerk: Kristal Sherman Mayor - Joe Ceballos (exp. 2025) Council Members Michael Bushnell (exp. 2025) Makenzie Dunn (exp.2027) Gary Haulmark (exp. 2027) Leasa Huck (exp.2027) Britt Lenertz (exp. 2025) School Districts
USD 300 - South Central High School 600 E Garfield Coldwater, Ks 67029 Phone: 620-582-2158 Website: Superintendent: Ty Theurer |
116th KS Representative District Kyle Hoffman - R State House, Room 481-W Kansas House of Representatives Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-296-7643 Email: [email protected]
2nd Commissioner District Randy Unruh - R Chairman Elected: 2020 County Treasurer Laura Sawyers - R Phone: 620-582-2964 Email: [email protected] Elected: 2020 Register of Deeds Heather Puderbaugh - R Phone: 620-582-2152 Email: [email protected] Elected: 2020 Protection 108 W Walnut Street Protection, KS 67127 Phone: 620-622-4696 City Clerk: Shirley Norton Mayor: Ed Dowling (exp. 2021) Council Members Christopher Brosius (exp. 2027) Bryce Hazen (exp. 2021) Brad Vaught (exp. 2021) Duane Thronesbery (exp.2027) Tyler Woolfolk (exp. 2027) Elementary/Middle School 302 S Jefferson Protection, KS 67127 Phone: 620-622-4545 Board of Education Members Colleen Bushnell (exp. 2027) Kelly Herd (exp. 2027) Steve Prusa (exp. 2027) Andy Uhl (exp. 2022) Hayden Fletcher (exp.2025) Anna McCleary (exp. 2025) Dean Yoder )exp. 2025) |
32nd KS Senatorial District Larry Alley - R State House, Room 541-E Kansas Senate Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-296-7381 Email: [email protected]
KS Board of Education District 10 Jim McNiece - R 1213 Manchester Court Wichita, KS 67212 Phone : 316-729-9742 (home) Email: [email protected]
KS Judicial District 16 Chief Judge - Laura H. Lewis District Court Judge - Sidney R. Thomas District Court Judge - Andrew M. Stein District Magistrate Judge - Rustin Martin Comanche County District Court 201 S. New York, PO Box 772 Coldwater, KS 67029 Phone: 620-582-2182 Clerk of the District Court - Debra Schmidt
3rd Commissioner District Joseph Moore - R Elected: 2020 County Attorney Clay Kuhns - R Phone: 620-582-3010 Email: [email protected] Appointed: 2023 Wilmore 239 E Main Street Wilmore, KS 67155 Mayor: Roger Unruh Council Members Gene Glenn Clark Yost Dallas Wilson Kenneth Timmer Martin Dillinger |